Non-verbal communication


Mind Map on Non-verbal communication, created by taylorja18 on 27/05/2015.
Mind Map by taylorja18, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by taylorja18 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Non-verbal communication
  1. The 3 elements of communication
    1. Body Language
      1. Voice Tone
        1. Words
        2. Key words
          1. Non-verbal communication-passing messages that do not require the use of words or sounds
            1. Communication-passing information from one person to another
              1. Verbal communication-passing messages using words or vocal sounds
                1. paralinguistics-vocal features that accompany speech
                  1. Eye contact-When two people look into each others eyes at the same time
                    1. Posture-A non-verbal communication signal
                      1. Closed posture-Crossed arms and legs
                        1. Open posture-open arms and legs
                          1. Postural echo-Adopting each others posture
                            1. Gesture-A form of non verbal communication in which information is conveyed by either deliberate or unconscious movements of the body
                              1. Touch-information conveyed by physical contact
                              2. Argyle, Alkema and Gilmour
                                1. Aim-To see if tone of voice has any effect when interpreting a verbal message
                                  1. Method-Different groups of participants listened to either friendly or hostile messages spoken in either a friendly or hostile tone of voice.So some heard hostile messages spoken in a friendly tone or friendly messages spoken in a hostile tone
                                    1. Results- When participants were asked to interpret the messages,k it was found that tone of voice had about five times the effect of the verbal message itself
                                      1. Conclusion-Tone of voice is important in how people interpret verbal messages
                                        1. Evaluation-High demand characteristics, low ecological validity
                                        2. Eye contact-Argyle
                                          1. Aim-To see how interrupting eye contact affects conversation
                                            1. Method-Pairs of participants were observed having conversations and half of the conversations had one participant wearing dark classes so there was no eye contact and the other half had no dark glasses
                                              1. Results-When one of the participants wore dark glasses, there were more pauses and interruptions than when dark glasses were not worn
                                                1. Conclusion-Eye contact is important in ensuring the smooth flow of conversation
                                                  1. Evaluation- High ecological validity
                                                  2. Pupil Dilation-Hess
                                                    1. Aim-To see the effect of pupil dilation on emotion
                                                      1. Method-participants were shown two sets of photographs of eyes and in one set the pupils were enlarged and in the other they were reduced
                                                        1. Results-Showed that participants preferred the photos of eyes with the enlarged pupil, mainly because they found it more attractive but couldn't explain why they thought this
                                                          1. Conclusion-Pupil dilation has an unconscious but powerful effect on emotion
                                                            1. Evaluation-Low ecological validity, reliable, high demand characteristics
                                                            2. Postural echo-McGinley
                                                              1. Aim-To see the effect of postural echo when having a conversation
                                                                1. Method-A confederate approached individuals in a social setting and had conversations with them. In half the confederate echoed the posture and in the others they did not. The experimenter asked the individuals after what they thought
                                                                  1. Results-When postural echo was used the people thought they got on well with them but when it wasn't used the confederate was not liked as much and the conversation felt awkward
                                                                    1. Conclusion-Postural echo gives an unconscious message of friendliness
                                                                      1. Evaluation-Reliable, high ecological validity, natural environment, extraneous variables
                                                                      2. Open and closed posture-McGinely, Lefevre and McGinely
                                                                        1. Aim-To see the effect of open and closed posture
                                                                          1. Method-a confederate approached people and have conversations with them and had open posture in half and closed in the others then the experimenter asked what they thought
                                                                            1. Results-When showing an open posture they were seen as friendly and attractive but seen as unfriendly and less attractive with a closed posture
                                                                              1. Conclusion-The posture that someone adopts can make a difference to how much they are liked
                                                                                1. Evaluation-High ecological validity, low demand characteristics, low internal validity
                                                                                2. Gestures-Lynn and Mynier
                                                                                  1. Aim-To see the effect of gestures used by waiters and waitresses on the tipping behaviour of customers
                                                                                    1. Method-While taking oders from customers, they were told to either stand upright or squat down to the customers level
                                                                                      1. Results-When they squatted down, they received bigger tips compared to standing upright
                                                                                        1. Conclusion-The gesture of squatting will have an effect on tipping behaviour
                                                                                          1. Evaluation-low ecological validity, high ecological validity, low demand characteristics
                                                                                          2. Touch-Fisher, Rytting and Heslin
                                                                                            1. Aim-to see the effect of touch on people's attitudes
                                                                                              1. Method-male and female students in a library were handing books and for half of them the librarian touched their hand and for the other other they didn't
                                                                                                1. Results-When asked, the students who were touched were more positive towards the library and librarian. Most didn't realise they had been touched though.
                                                                                                  1. Conclusion-touch can have an unconscious and positive effect
                                                                                                    1. Evaluation-Lacks poplulation validity, extraneous variables, ethical issues
                                                                                                    2. Sex differences
                                                                                                      1. Aim-to see if sex affects personal space
                                                                                                        1. Method-one at a time, participants were asked to have a conversation with another person who was actually a confederate. sometimes the confederate was of the same sex or the opposite and the confederate sat at difference distances and stared into the participants eyes
                                                                                                          1. Results-the participants broke eye contact with the opposite sex
                                                                                                            1. Conclusion-We prefer to have a greater amount of personal space between ourselves and the opposite sex during normal conversation
                                                                                                              1. Evaluation-Ethical issues, low demand characteristics, high population validity
                                                                                                              2. Personality
                                                                                                                1. Aim-to see if personality has an effect on personal space
                                                                                                                  1. Method-Students were given personality tests to see if they were extroverts or introverts. They were then sent to an office to recieve their college grades. The researcher then noted where they chose to sit
                                                                                                                    1. Results-introverts sat further away than extroverts
                                                                                                                      1. Conclusion-Whether you are an introvert or extrovert will affect personal space
                                                                                                                        1. Evaluation-low demand characteristics
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