Zero Conditional


mapa acerca del zero conditional para estudiar
Benjamín Reyes
Mind Map by Benjamín Reyes, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Benjamín Reyes
Created by Benjamín Reyes almost 9 years ago
Benjamín Reyes
Copied by Benjamín Reyes almost 9 years ago
Benjamín Reyes
Copied by Benjamín Reyes almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Zero Conditional
  1. Function
    1. Are situations that always happens.
    2. Grammar
      1. Positive = If + subject + present simple (do/does) + subject + present simple
        1. Interrogative =Do/does + subject + present simple + If + subject + present simple?
          1. Negative = If + subject + present simple (don't/doesn't) + subject +present simple
          2. Examples
            1. If she doesn't know the answer, she keeps silent.
              1. Does air become lighter if it expands?
                1. If you freeze water, it turns into ice.
                2. Notes
                  1. We can replace "if" by "when".
                    1. It is not always necessary to place the condition at the beginning of the sentence, it can be reversed .
                    2. Palma González José Valente
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