

Mapa de pelvis para Aldanas Boy
Mariana Salgar
Mind Map by Mariana Salgar, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
andrea marin
Created by andrea marin about 9 years ago
Copied by about 9 years ago
Yeisson Reyes
Copied by Yeisson Reyes about 9 years ago
Copied by janisse.adriana. about 9 years ago
Mariana Salgar
Copied by Mariana Salgar about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Limits
    1. Anterior
      1. Symphysis Pubis, pubic body, obturador foramen
      2. Lateral
        1. Acetabulum with its edge and the acetabular notch, ischium and sacroiliac recess, posterior part
        2. Posteior
          1. Sacral promontory
        3. Division
          1. This division is made by the oblique plane of the superior opening of the pelvis that is surrounded and defined by a osseous edge
            1. Mayor Pelvis
              1. It includes both iliac fossae and wings of the sacrum. Lined by the iliopsoas muscle, it constitutes one of the walls of the abdominal cavity
              2. Menor Pelvis
                1. It is the pelvic excavation and it has 4 walls
                  1. Antero-inferior
                    1. Lateral
                      1. Postero-superior
                2. The pelvic bone is made up of three bones: the right and left coxal bones and sacrum
                  1. the coxal bones are two large bones, irregularly shaped, formed by a 3 bone union
                    1. Ilion: Is the top, flattened, fan-shape part of the hip bone. The wing of the ilium is the fan-shaped part and the body is the handle. It´s external face forms the upper part of the acetabulum.
                      1. Iliac crest: Is the edge of the wing that has curves between the wing called: anterior superior and posterosuperior iliac spines
                        1. The front part of the wing is concave and forms the iliac fossa. At the posterior part is the sacropelvic face of the ilium that presents an articular joint and iliac tuberosity
                        2. Ischium: It has a body that forms the posterior portion of the acetabular and a branch that forms part of the obturator foramen. It also has a great posterioinferior protuberance and a small pointed projection called spina cietica
                          1. The concavity located between the tuberosity ischial and the sciatic spine is the menor sciatic notch and the larger concavity is the greater sciatic notch.
                          2. Pubis: Is an angled bone comform by the superior pubic ramus, which makes part of the anterior portion of the acetabulum and on its lateral side has a pectineal crest and a lower pubic branch which is part the inferior limit of the obturator hole.
                            1. In the front part there is a thickening that is the crest of the pubis that ends as a tubercle called spine of the pubis
                              1. Pubic arch: Formed by isquiopubian branches of both sides that join in the sínfsis and define the subpubiano angle with their inferior edges.
                          3. Pelvis openings
                            1. Superior opening: Limited by the promontory (posterior), the ala of the sacrum (lateral), the arcuate line and the iliopubic eminence (lateral), pectinate crest, superior edge of the pubis and pubis´s symphysis (superior).
                              1. Diameters
                                1. Anatomic conjugate
                                  1. From the promontory to the superior edge of the pubis´s symphysis
                                    1. Measures: 11cm
                                  2. Real conjugate
                                    1. From the promontory to the posterior edge of the pubis´s symphysis
                                      1. Measures: 10,5 cm
                                    2. Maximum transverse
                                      1. Intercept of the the union of the 2/3 superior with the posterior third of the pelvis.
                                        1. Measures: 13,5 cm
                                      2. Transverse
                                        1. From the promontory and the pubic symphysis, perpendicular to the conjugate diameter.
                                          1. Measures: 12,5 a 13 cm
                                        2. Oblique
                                          1. Right and left: From the iliopubic eminecia to the sacroiliac joint.
                                            1. Measures: 12,5 cm
                                      3. Inferior opening: Limited by the pubic arc (anterior), the ischial tuberosities in the inferior edge of the ligament sacrotuberous (laterals) and the end of coccyx (posterior)
                                        1. Diameters
                                          1. Antero-posterior
                                            1. From the pubis to the coccix
                                              1. Measures: 10 cm
                                            2. Tranverse
                                              1. From the ischial tuberosity left to the right
                                                1. Measures: 12 cm
                                              2. Maximum oblique
                                                1. From the lower branch of the pubic bone and the ligament sacrotuberous
                                                  1. Measures: 12 cm
                                          2. Male´s pelvis and femele´s pelvis differ mainly because of the heavier complexion and the larger muscles in the majority of men and by the adaption of the women´s pelvis for the delivery.
                                            1. Pelvic joints
                                              1. Sacroiliac joint: Anterior synovial joint, between the sacrum and ilium articular sufaces and a posterior syndesmosis enters the tuberosities of the same bones. Join the axial and appendicular skeleton and has types of thin ligaments: sacroiliac ligaments anteriors and posteiors, sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments
                                                1. Symphysis pubis: Secondary cartilaginous joint formed by a interpubic disk that is generally wider in women, and the upper and lower pubis ligaments are the ones that link the bodies of both pubis in the median plane
                                                  1. Lumbosacral joints : The articulation between L5 and S1 vertebrae by an intervertebral disc and cigapofisiaria joints. This joints are reinforced by the iliolumbar ligaments.
                                                    1. Sacrococcygeal joint : secondary cartilage joint intervertebrall with a intervertebrall disk ( fibrocartilage ) . the anterior and posterior sacrococcygeal ligaments are the ones that reinforce the joint
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