Place Value


Mind Map on Place Value, created by FrancesB95 on 03/12/2013.
Mind Map by FrancesB95, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by FrancesB95 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Place Value
  1. Place value is the basis of our entire number system. A place value system is one in which the position of a digit in a number determines its value.
    1. In the standard system, called base ten, each place represents ten times the value of the place to its right.
      1. making groups of ten of the smaller unit and combining them to make a new unit.
    2. Why do we need to teach place value
      1. Because it forms the basis of our number system
        1. So children understand that the same digit can be used to represent different amounts.
          1. So children can work out the value of each digit depending on its position
            1. So children can express amounts using digits and communicate with numbers.
            2. Why can place value be challenging to teach?
              1. English!! Ability to recite does not necessarily mean understanding Lack of experience Abstract Position of Digit Premature introduction Zero Large numbers Vertical layout
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