What were 'The Crusades'?


Mind Map on What were 'The Crusades'?, created by joe.todd on 30/01/2014.
Mind Map by joe.todd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joe.todd about 10 years ago

Resource summary

What were 'The Crusades'?
  1. The First Crusade was an attempt to re-capture Jerusalem.
    1. The First and Second Crusades
      1. The First Crusade (1096-1099) was the most successful.
        1. The crusaders captured Jerusalem and dominated the region of Palestine by 1099
        2. The crusaders then created three feudal kingdoms
          1. centered on the cities of Antioch, Tripoli, and Edessa.
          2. Jerusalem was controlled by Muslims
            1. cause of crusades was the centralization of the monarchies of Europe
              1. combined with the growing spiritual power of the Church
              2. produced a new “barbarian” invasion to the region of Palestine.
              3. In 1095, Pope Urban II received the Byzantine emperor’s plea
                1. to help open the Holy Land
                  1. and defend against the Turks the region.
                2. The pope saw the plea as a political opportunity to extend the power of the Church in Europe and Palestine.
                  1. Urban II made his official impassioned speech for help to a large crowd in a field in Clermont, France.
                    1. a crusade or holy war against the Muslim forces in the Holy Land that promised penance for the crusaders.
                    2. But these feudal states were in a constant state of need and depended on Europe economically and politically.
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