Photosynthesis upm


Mind Map on Photosynthesis upm, created by Peiqi Eng on 01/05/2016.
Peiqi Eng
Mind Map by Peiqi Eng, updated more than 1 year ago
Peiqi Eng
Created by Peiqi Eng about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Photosynthesis upm
  1. General
    1. Chloroplast structure and thylakoid membrane
      1. Pigment molecules absorb light
        1. Pigments absorb only specific wavelengths of visible light, while reflecting others
          1. Chlorophyll
            1. Chlorophyll a
              1. All photosynthetic plants, algae and cyanobacteria contain it
              2. Chlorophyll b
                1. Only plants ,green algae and some unusual types of cyanobacteria contain it
                2. Hydrophobic tail inserts into thylakoid membrane
                  1. Porphyrin head(surrounding a magnesium ion) that absorbs light
                  2. Accessory pigments
                    1. beta-carotene
                      1. Absorbs violet, blue-green light; reflects yellow,orange
                        1. Important to dissipate excess solar energy as heat(photoprotection)
                        2. Phycobilins
                          1. water-soluble, found in cytoplasm or stroma of chloroplast
                            1. Phycocyanin
                              1. bluish pigment, cyanobacteria
                              2. Phycoerythrin
                                1. reddish pigment, red algae
                                2. Soak up light energy, use as chemical tags
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