
Mind Map on PAUL IN CAPTIVITY: Jerusalem, created by Rachel Campbell on 18/02/2014.
Rachel Campbell
Mind Map by Rachel Campbell, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Campbell
Created by Rachel Campbell over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1. Arrival at Jerusalem
    1. Paul was "warmly received by the believers"
      1. Next day he gave his report to James and the rest of the Jerusalem church
        1. They received the news of his success with joy but warned Paul of the rumours circulating about him (Jewish converts not to practise circumcision)
          1. Thousand of Jews were furious - Paul had to show that rumours were false and that he only freed Gentile converts from circumcision and the Jewish Law - Jewish Christans still had to live up to the law
            1. James + elders proposed a ritualistic purification for 7 days - then required to bring an offering to the Temple.
              1. Paul may no longer have been a Jew by religion but he was by race - so observed Jewish practices
                1. If he was seen to be publically taken part in ancestoral customs - be realised that he was an observant and practicing Jew - Paul began the R.P the day after
                  1. Scholars believe a sacrifice to please Jewish Xns would be too big a compromise - he was the apostle to the Gentiles.
                    1. He was willing to a Jew to the Jews - keep the law for the sake of those living under the law - and to be a Gentile to the Gentiles.
                    2. 2. Paul Arrested
                      1. Asian Jews spread the false rumour through the crowd that Paul had brough Trophimus (Gentile convert from Ephesus) into the sacred precinct of the Temple
                        1. Did Trophimus wander in of his own accord? Hewitt suggests the Jews were trying to get revenge on Paul was his success in Ephesus
                          1. After 7 days - Jews spotted Paul in Temple and shouted "This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against our people and our law and this place - even brought Greeks into the Temple."
                            1. Feeble charge - angered many Jews. They turned on Paul and dragged him out of the inner courts - shutting the doors behind them.
                              1. Fitzmyer regards it as a symbolic action - to show that from now on the Temple "would have no meaning for the Xn church."
                            2. The "Antonia" - Roman Fortess was right beside the Temple. Romans saw what was going on and so the commander rushed down with the troops - the arrival of the Romans was enough to stop the crowd attacking Paul.
                              1. The commander tried to find out what Paul had done to cause such uproar but he could not get a straight answer - conflicting reasons.
                              2. Paul was arrested - bound with two chains and taken to the Antonia.
                                1. Paul addressed the commander in Greek - his use of greek and his tone were such that the commander let Paul speak - he realised that he was more than just an ordinary man.
                                2. 3. Paul speaks to the Jewish mob
                                  1. Paul spoke to the Jewish mob in Aramaic - commanded their attention - gave the idea that he was one of them
                                    1. Like Stephen, Paul addressed his audience as "brothers and fathers"
                                      1. He spoke of his experience of being led to accept Christ as his saviour:
                                        1. Paul described his life before conversion - orthodox background + education in J. under Gamaliel.
                                          1. Paul describes how he persecuted Christians far and wide - this "opened the way for him to describe his conversion."
                                            1. Paul recalls the events of his conversion - stressing supernatural reveation
                                              1. Happened at noon - heavenly light brighter than noonday sun.
                                                1. Refers to Jesus as "Jesus of Nazareth" so there was no confusion
                                                  1. Companions saw light but did not hear the voice - only Paul experienced the event as divine revelation
                                                    1. Described Ananias as "a devout and law-abiding Jew" (info. sign. to audience) He baptised him + told him to witness to JC.
                                                      1. It was important that Paul stressed that his commission was to a large extent communicated through the lips of this pious and believing Jew.
                                                        1. Went to J. to pray in Temple - vision from God told him to leave for his own safety
                                                          1. When he explained how he was told by God that he must go to witness to the Gentiles, there was uproar.
                                                        2. 4. Paul the Roman Citizen
                                                          1. At the mention of the Gentiles, the crowd broke into a rage. - Paul was placing Gentiles on an equal footing before God as the Jews
                                                            1. Discarding their clothes and throwing dust in the air they demanded Paul's death.
                                                              1. Commander ordered Paul to be taken to the barracks to be flogged to get the truth out of him about what he had done to cause an outbreak.
                                                                1. Paul revealed he was a Roman Citizen - roman law protected citizens from such a beating, even if guilty.
                                                                  1. Bruce explains how the commander "shuddered as he realised how near he had come to perpetrating a serious illegality."
                                                                  2. 5. Paul before the Sanhedrin
                                                                    1. Commander summoned members of Sanhedrin to Antonia to work out why Paul was being accused.
                                                                      1. If religious crime = Sanhedrin trail If civil crime = Roman trial
                                                                      2. Paul addressed the Sanhedrin as "brothers" and identified himself as a Jew.
                                                                        1. High Priest Ananias commanded those to strike Paul in the mouth as he had spoke without permission
                                                                          1. Paul responded, "God will strike you, you violate the law by commanding that I be struck."
                                                                            1. Jewish leaders shocked - he had violated the law which forbade anyone to speak evil of Gods high priest.
                                                                          2. Paul realised he wasn't going to get a fair trial - cleverly divided his audience (Sadducees-deny Pharisees-believe) - said he was being accused of preaching the hope in the resurrection of the dead.
                                                                          3. 6. Aftermath of Pauls' Trial
                                                                            1. Immediate uproar at the statement.
                                                                              1. P and S fight - Paul has to be removed
                                                                                1. Lord appeared to him that night - commending him on his witness and promising to testify about him in Rome.
                                                                                2. 7. The Plot of Kill Paul
                                                                                  1. A group of forty or so Jews agreed together that they would not eat or drink until Paul was dead.
                                                                                    1. When Pauls sister heard the plot, she told her son and he warned Paul. - sent his nephew with a centurion to tell the commander
                                                                                    2. 8. Paul Transferred to Caesarea
                                                                                      1. Commander decided to get Paul out of Jerusalem - he could not be responsible for the assassination of a Roman citizen.
                                                                                        1. Wrote letter to procurator giving an account of what happened - Stott - "manipulated facts to portray himself in good light" - did not mention the beating
                                                                                          1. The commander sent Paul by night to Caesarea - the governor received him and placed him in Herod's palace.
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