Relgious Upbringing


Mind Map on Relgious Upbringing, created by hjford7 on 01/04/2014.
Mind Map by hjford7, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hjford7 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Relgious Upbringing
  1. Some Christians baptise their children at a young age
    1. Taught to pray, or attend 'Sunday School' to educate on their religion and be encouraged to live a Christian life.
      1. Celebrate Christmas and Easter etc, to learn and understand their meanings
        1. Catholic Schools help children to be brought up in this religion
          1. Being brought up within a Christian family would mean a child is surrounded by those who are convinced of the existance of God - influenced by their views.
            1. Learning about this religion can allow a child to decide for themselves if they want to follow that faith.
              1. If a religion has been handed down through families, it might seem perfectly normal to also follow this belief.
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