Death of a Salesman Concept Map: Perspective on Success


Mind Map on Death of a Salesman Concept Map: Perspective on Success, created by Sarah Taupan on 09/05/2014.
Sarah Taupan
Mind Map by Sarah Taupan, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Taupan
Created by Sarah Taupan over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Death of a Salesman Concept Map: Perspective on Success
  1. WILLY: Biff Loman is lost. In the greatest country in the world a young man with such—personal attractiveness, gets lost. And such a hard worker. There’s one thing about Biff—he’s not lazy." (act 1, p 8) Willy's reflections suggest complete faith in the notion that popularity and personal attractiveness bring success.
    1. WILLY: [stopping the incipient argument, to Happy]: Sure, he’s gotta practice with a regulation ball, doesn’t he? [To Biff] Coach’ll probably congratulate you on your initiative! (act 1, p 19) Willy elevates being well liked over all virtues when he suggests that Biff can get away with stealing because of his popularity.
      1. WILLYL Bigger than Uncle Charley! Because Charley is not—liked. He’s liked, but he’s not–-well liked. (Act 1, p 21) Willy indicates his belief that being well liked is the most important quality to achieving success. He thinks it's impossible for someone to succeed without a gang of friends around them.
        1. Being "well Liked" The Lomans believed that being successful meant that people had to like and favour you.
          1. The Lomans boys different idea of success
            1. HAPPY But then, it’s what I always wanted. My own apartment, a car, plenty of women, and still, goddamnit, I’m lonely. (Act 1, p13) Although hes making money , its the intangible aspects of life that Happy craves. Material things and lots of hook ups with random girls just don't seem to be the kind of success that Happy truly wants.
              1. BIFF: I am not a leader of men, Willy, and neither are you. You were never anything but a hard-working drummer who landed in the ash can like the rest of them! I’m one-dollar an hour, Willy! (ACT 2, p 98) Biff insists he be left alone to live his life. He's begging his father to allow him to measure his personal success in his own way.
              2. The three characters from Death of a Salesman that are successful are Dave Singleman, Ben and Bernard. These characters earned their success by working hard. As a result of hard work and devotion money is usually the prize. However in some cases happiness may also be a reward of success.
                1. In order to make a sale all he had to do was "pick up his phone and call the buyers, and without ever leaving his room, he made his living..." (Death of a Salesman, p81.) This quote describes his success as a salesman. At the age of eighty four he was able to make an adequate amount of sales. Although he did not get rich from the sales that he made, he enjoyed what he was doing.
                  1. "...gonna argue a case in front of the Supreme Court." (p95.) In this example one can obviously see that Bernard is successful. Being chosen to argue a case in front of the Supreme Court proves that Bernard is successful because it shows that he is at a high position in his career. Furthermore Bernard is married and has two sons, showing that he is settled.
                    1. Willy often asks Ben, "what's the secret?" (DOS, p91.) This quote proves that Willy is aware of Ben's success. As a result Willy want's Ben to tell him the secret to success. The real reason Ben was successful was because he had determination. "He knew what he wanted and went out and got it." ( p41.)
                    2. The importance of appearances in Death of A Salesman makes them believe that it has a big weight on being successful. Their perception on success is based on looks.
                      1. LINDA: His blue suit. He’s so handsome in that suit. He could be a—anything in that suit! (Act 2, p 50) Once again we see that Linda and Willy's fixation on Biff's physical appearance as the source of his success denies the importance of other qualities and virtues.
                        1. WILLY: God! Remember how they used to follow him around in high school? When he smiled at one of them their faces lit up. When he walked down the street… [He loses himself in reminiscences.] (Act 1, p8) Willy attributes Biff's former popularity and success to his smile. Now, however, it seems that Biff's smile and good looks just haven't been enough to get him to a stable place in life.
                          1. WILLY: I gotta overcome it. I know I gotta overcome it. I’m not dressing to advantage, maybe. (Act 1,p 24) Willy assumes his business problems have to do primarily with his appearance. He thinks he would be more successful if he looked better.
                            1. WILLY: Yeah. Sing to me. [Linda hums a soft lullaby]. When that team came out- he was the tallest, remember? (Act 2, p 48) Willy and Linda place great importance on Biff's appearance when he was a high school football star, as if that had something to do with his talent. The very fact that he was so attractive made them positive that he would one day be successful.
                            2. Women provide the illusions of success in Death of a Salesman
                              1. LINDA (without hesitation): Two hundred gross. That’s... (She figures.) (p23) Loman likes to hide from reality, Linda offers Willy this shelter when she plays dumb as to the knowledge of how much he really makes
                                1. HAPPY: . I don’t know what gets into me, maybe I just have an overdeveloped sense of competition or something, but I went and ruined her, and furthermore I can’t get rid of her (p 15) Happy "ruins" the fiances of the bosses for whom he works. Because he's jealous of their success and his lack of relative stature within the company, he uses his skill for luring women into his bed to get even with them. For the purpose of feeling like he has gotten something and the feeling of accomplishment.
                                2. The Lomans are all extremely self-deceptive, and in their delusions and blindness to reality, is what fuels their lies and it feeds off of one another Willy uses these lies to convinces himself that he is successful.
                                  1. WILLY: "Willy Loman is here!" That’s all they have to know and I go right through. (act 1 p 21) Willy continues see himself as successful and well liked it becomes his reality
                                    1. WILLY: I don’t know the reason for it, but they just pass me by. I’m not noticed. (Act 1, 24 )Willy contradicts himself by saying that he is both well liked and ignored, suggesting that he frequently deceives himself about his success. However, the truth seems to always be just under the surface.
                                      1. WILLY [turning to Ben]: Business is bad, it’s murderous. But not for me, of course. (Act 1, 25) Willy continually lies outright in order to try and impress Ben and make himself feel better.
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