1.Human Anatomy


Mind Map on 1.Human Anatomy, created by serenities.sg on 06/18/2014.
Mind Map by serenities.sg, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by serenities.sg over 10 years ago

Resource summary

1.Human Anatomy
  1. ANATOMY: Structure of body parts, forms and relationship
    1. PHYSIOLOGY: functions of body parts.
      1. DISSECTION: cutting apart to see relationship.
        1. 1) Body positions
          1. a) Anatomical position: facing the observer, palms turned forward.
            1. b) Prone: body lying face DOWN
              1. c) Supine (spine): body lying face UP
              2. 2) Regional
                1. Head (cephalic), cranial, facial
                  1. Neck (cervical)
                    1. Trunk (chest, abdomen, pelvis)
                      1. Upper limb
                        1. lower limb
                        2. 3) Directional
                          1. Superior (cephalic or cranial) / Inferior (lower or caudal)
                            1. Anterior, Front (Ventral) / Posterior (dorsal)
                              1. Medial / Lateral
                                1. Intermediate
                                  1. Ipsilateral (left, on the same side) / contralateral (opposite side)
                                    1. Proximal / Distal
                                      1. Superficial / Deep (eg ribs are superficial to the lungs)
                                      2. 4) Planes/Sections
                                        1. Sagittal (vertical): divides right/left
                                          1. Midsagittal/Median: equal parts
                                            1. Parasagittal (near) unequal parts
                                              1. Frontal/Coronal: divides anterior/posterior
                                                1. Transverse (horizontal/cross-section): divides superior/inferior
                                                  1. Oblique: angle, except 90
                                                  2. 5) Body Cavities
                                                    1. Dorsal: Cranial, Vetebral, Meninges
                                                      1. Ventral
                                                        1. Thoracic, Chest cavity
                                                          1. Pleural (lung) Pleura
                                                            1. Pericardial (Heart) pericardium
                                                              1. Mediastinum (between lungs) contains heart, thymus, esophagus, trachea, blood vessels
                                                              2. Diaphragm
                                                                1. Abdominopelvic cavity
                                                                  1. Abdominal (stomach, spleen, liver gallbladder, small intestine, most large intestine) Peritoneum
                                                                    1. Pelvic cavity
                                                                      1. Urinary bladder, portions of large intestine, reproduction organs
                                                                2. 9 Abdominopelvic REGIONS: anatomical studies
                                                                  1. 1. Right hypochondriac
                                                                    1. 2. Epigastric
                                                                      1. 3. Left hypochondriac
                                                                        1. 4. Right lumbar
                                                                          1. 5. Umbilical
                                                                            1. 6. Left Lumbar
                                                                              1. 7. Right inguinal
                                                                                1. 8. Hypogastric
                                                                                  1. 9. Left inguinal
                                                                                  2. 4 Abdominopelvic QUADRANTS: locate site of pain, tumor
                                                                                    1. Right upper (RUQ)
                                                                                      1. Left upper (LUQ)
                                                                                        1. Right lower (RLQ)
                                                                                          1. Left lower (LLQ)
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