PTE 79


PTE Mind Map on PTE 79, created by Trang Pham on 02/10/2017.
Trang Pham
Mind Map by Trang Pham, updated more than 1 year ago
Trang Pham
Created by Trang Pham almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

PTE 79
  1. Read Aloud
    1. How to read aloud
      1. Word stress
        1. How to treat punctuation
          1. Sense groups
            1. Intonation
          2. Summary of Read Aloud
            1. Read Fast
              1. Pronunciation and Stress
                1. Don't hesitate and False start, it will lower your fluency
              2. Repeat Sentence
                1. 10-12 repeat sentence items
                  1. The audio box counts down from 3 seconds and then you hear a short sentence, you have to listen carefully and repeat it once the microphone opens
                    1. Start speaking when you see the first blue bar in the recording bar. The first blue bar shows that the microphone is opned
                      1. In order to score high in this section, try to understand the sentence rather than focusing on memorizing it
                        1. Contributes about 30% - 36% of marks to your speaking & listening
                        2. Describe Image
                          1. The most important part of the speaking test, solely contributing to your speaking score (speaking, pronunciation, and oral fluency)
                            1. Bar Graphs

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