3rd Grade Social
Studies: "Morknyk
the Martian's Earth
GPS: SS1G3 - The student will locate major
topographical features of the earth’s surface
OBJECTIVE: As a two person buddy team, given
a globe, world atlas, newspaper, balloons,
plaster of Paris, and blue, brown, green, tan,
grey and white water color paint; students will
construct a paper mache globe of the earth
containing all of the continents and oceans
within four hours. Continents and oceans will be
in a recognizable shape, and in in the correct
relative locations.
Activity: Teacher will brief students and issue supplies. Students
will blow up balloons, wet newspaper in wet plaster of Paris and
apply it to the balloons to form a globe. While the globes are
drying, students will watch and listen to the digital story Morknyk
the Martian’s Earth Adventure. Students will then watch
educational video presentations of the world continents. Students
will return to their globes (after drying), paint the continents and
oceans on the globe, using the following colors: blue: water,
Green: Vegetation; Tan: desert, grey: mountains, white: polar
regions, brown: the rest of the earth .