Reported Speech (discurso indireto)


1º ano Inglês Mind Map on Reported Speech (discurso indireto), created by Leonardo Menegon on 04/10/2017.
Leonardo Menegon
Mind Map by Leonardo Menegon, updated more than 1 year ago
Leonardo Menegon
Created by Leonardo Menegon almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Reported Speech (discurso indireto)
  1. I dance.
    1. He said she danced.
      1. Past Simple
      2. Present Simple
      3. I'm dancing.
        1. He said he was dancing.
          1. Past Continuous
          2. Present Continuous
          3. I have danced.
            1. He said he had danced.
              1. Past Perfect
              2. Present Perfect
              3. I danced.
                1. He said he had danced
                  1. Past Perfect
                  2. Past Simple
                  3. I was dancing.
                    1. He said he had been dancing.
                      1. Past Perfect Continuous
                      2. Past Continuous
                      3. I will dance.
                        1. He said he would dance.
                        2. I can dance.
                          1. He said he could dance.
                          2. I may dance.
                            1. He said he might dance.
                            2. I must dance.
                              1. He said he had to dance.
                              2. I'm going to dance.
                                1. He said he was going to dance.
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