7 People see cues that tell them what to do with an object


User has deleted their subject information Mind Map on 7 People see cues that tell them what to do with an object, created by Deleted user on 11/10/2017.
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steven moore
Created by steven moore about 7 years ago
steven moore
Copied by steven moore over 6 years ago

Resource summary

7 People see cues that tell them what to do with an object
  1. Cues that tell you what to do with an object are called "Affordances"
    1. These visual cues are subtle, but they are important
    2. Hyperlinks are loosing their affordance cues
      1. Many buttons on web sites have some of these visual cues, but lately web sites are loosing the cues.
      2. This door handles visual cue is that the knob tells you to turn downwards to open it.
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