The Canterville GHOST


Mind Map on The Canterville GHOST, created by Sarahasif on 22/07/2014.
Mind Map by Sarahasif, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Sarahasif almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Canterville GHOST
  1. Culture clash
    1. Wilde compares the Behaviour of the American Otises with The british upper classes.
    2. Forgiveness
      1. Sir simon urges Virginia to pray for Him and forgiveness is granted by God and the almond tree blossoms
      2. Horror story
        1. It is a horror story with a ghost, spooky atmosphere, peals of thunder etc.
        2. Literary devices used
          1. Humor, wit and sattire.
          2. Character plot
            1. He pits one culture against another
              1. Characters represent both england and america
              2. Characters
                1. Lord canterville
                  1. Belongs to a very old british family who has been the owner of Canterville chase and sold the haunted house to otis
                  2. Mr.Otis
                    1. American ambassador coming from a modern country and doesnt believe in ghosts
                    2. Mrs.Otis
                      1. Well known New York beauty, now a fine looking middle aged woman
                      2. Washington
                        1. Oldest son, fair haired good looking young man who was also a famous dancer
                        2. Miss Virginia
                          1. Lovely girl of 15 who had blue eyes, a good sportswoman and loved to ride horses
                          2. The twins
                            1. Happy little boys who laughed and shouted a lot , they liked playing tricks on people and were often punished for them
                            2. Sir simon
                              1. The Canterville ghost , killed his wife and mysteriously disappeared but his ghost still haunts the Chase
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