Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease "COPD"


Mind Map on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease "COPD", created by aprintz on 23/07/2014.
Mind Map by aprintz, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aprintz almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease "COPD"
  1. Causes
    1. Smoking, Secondhand smoke, organic/inorganic dust, polution
      1. alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (genetic)
        1. Pathophysiology
          1. increase of airway inflammation due to increase in WBCs and remodeling
            1. airways are then worsened by proteases/antiproteases (protein digestion enzymes) and oxidants/antioxidants
              1. decrease in ciliary function
                1. Air comes in but cant get out causing hyperinflation
                  1. increase in air in the lungs at the end of tidal exhalation increasing residual volume (RV) & functional residual capacity (FRC)
                    1. pt. becomes barrel-chested and kyphotic
                      1. decreased diaphragmic movement (excursion)
                        1. diaphragm becomes flatter, less domed
                          1. results in an inward motion of the lower ribs during contraction
                          2. Accessory muscles of ventilation are recruited
                            1. muscle hypertrophy, pursed-lip breathing, cyanosis, and clubbing
                      2. capillary perfusion of O2 is decreased resulting in hypoxemia eventually causing hypercapnea (increase of carbon dioxide in the blood)
                        1. increase in hypoxemia results in right ventricular hypertrophy (cor pulmonale)
                          1. heart elongation, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and depression
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