How to be responsible on social media


Year 7 IT Mind Map on How to be responsible on social media, created by Harrison Otley on 01/11/2017.
Harrison Otley
Mind Map by Harrison Otley, updated more than 1 year ago
Harrison Otley
Created by Harrison Otley almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

How to be responsible on social media
  1. Never share details
    1. never give out passwords
      1. Do not share your address
        1. never give out your phone number
        2. Social media websites
          1. Facebook
            1. Instagram
              1. Twitter
                1. Snapchat
                  1. Whatsapp
                    1. Msn
                      1. Google+
                        1. Musicaly
                        2. Only friend people that you know and trust
                          1. Never friend strangers
                            1. Set up a private account
                              1. Always let your parents monitor your account
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