Quit smoking


Mind Map on Quit smoking, created by fatima alkhateeb on 04/11/2017.
fatima alkhateeb
Mind Map by fatima alkhateeb, updated more than 1 year ago
fatima alkhateeb
Created by fatima alkhateeb over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Quit smoking
  1. Anatomy
    1. Hemoptysis
      1. coughing up of blood or blood-stained mucus from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or lungs
        1. Causes
          1. Bronchitis
            1. Cancer
              1. Pmeumonia
                1. Lung abcess
                  1. Cardiovascular
                    1. Mitral stenosis
                      1. CHF
                      2. Trauma
                    2. Mediastinial shift
                      1. deviation of the mediastinal structures towards one side of the chest cavity
                        1. Causes
                          1. Tumor
                            1. Atelactesis
                              1. Pneumothorax
                                1. Pleural effusion
                              2. Lung cancer
                                1. malignant lung tumor characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in  tissues of the lung usually in the cells lining air passages
                                  1. Types
                                    1. Small cell carcinoma (15%)
                                      1. Non-small cell carcinoma (85%)
                                        1. Adenocarcinoma (40%)
                                          1. Large cell carcinoma (10%)
                                            1. Squamous cell carcinoma (30%)
                                          2. Signs and symptoms
                                            1. Cough (75%)
                                              1. Weight loss (40%)
                                                1. Chest pain (40%)
                                                  1. Dyspnea (20%)
                                                2. Risk factors
                                                  1. Smoking
                                                    1. Radon
                                                      1. Asbestos
                                                        1. Air pollution
                                                    2. Pathogenesis
                                                      1. TSG inactivation
                                                        1. Oncogen activation
                                                          1. Telomerase activation
                                                            1. apoptosis evasion
                                                        2. Complications
                                                          1. Metastasis
                                                            1. development of secondary malignant growths at a distance from a primary site of cancer.
                                                            2. Arrhythmia
                                                              1. Horner's syndrome
                                                                1. SVC Syndrome
                                                                  1. Paraneplastic syndrome
                                                              2. Investigations
                                                                1. Blood count
                                                                  1. Chest imaging
                                                                    1. Sputum cytology
                                                                      1. Interventional Bronchoscopy
                                                                  2. Management
                                                                    1. Chemotherapy
                                                                      1. Neoadjuvent
                                                                        1. Adjuvent
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