

General review of Demand Economics.
Katerina Scott
Mind Map by Katerina Scott, updated more than 1 year ago
Katerina Scott
Created by Katerina Scott almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Elasticity of Demand
    1. Inelastic demand: when a change in price causes little or no change in consumer willingness to buy the product
      1. iPhones
        1. Electricty
          1. Necessities
            1. Milk for families with young children
            2. Elastic demand: when a change in price greatly impacts consumer willingness to buy a product
              1. Certain luxuries
            3. Complementary Goods
              1. Example: Burgers and Fries
                1. Cheddar rounds and Frenchie Fries are not complementary because you can't buy them at the same time.
                2. Hamburger prices go down and people then buy more fries
                3. Law of Demand
                  1. low prices = high demand
                    1. high prices = low demand
                      1. Price is the money value that is placed upon a product
                      2. Demand is the quantity of a good that a consumer is willing to buy at a given price
                        1. Substitute
                          1. a product that can be used instead of another product for the same purpose
                            1. If the price of fish increases, then it is likely that the demand for chicken will increase
                            2. The more substitutes a product has, the more likely demand for it will be elastic
                            3. Marginal Utility
                              1. the amount of usefulness of satisfaction acquired by adding one more unit of a product
                                1. Diminishing marginal utility: decreasing satisfaction or usefulness as additional units of a product are acquired
                                  1. buying lawnmowers
                                2. Demand Data
                                  1. Demand scedule = table
                                    1. Demand curve = graph
                                      1. In reality, the rate of change of the demand curve becomes slower and more horizontal as quantity gets ever larger; this is beacuse of dimishing marginal utility
                                      2. Job layoffs lead to lower demand for "wants" and luxuries, whereas the creation of jobs results in a higher demand for consumer goods
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