Present Simple - Unit 10


Revise Presente Simples - Beginner Unit 10
Nathália Agoston
Mind Map by Nathália Agoston, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Yvan Henrique
Created by Yvan Henrique almost 8 years ago
Nathália Agoston
Copied by Nathália Agoston over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Present Simple - Unit 10
  1. Affirmative
    1. Person
      1. I
        1. She
        2. Verb
          1. go
            1. goes
            2. to school everyday.
            3. Routine / Habits / Facts / Frequency
              1. Negatives
                1. Person
                  1. I
                    1. He
                    2. don't
                      1. don't
                        1. doesn't
                        2. doesn't
                          1. verb
                            1. go
                              1. go
                            2. to school everyday.
                            3. Questions
                              1. WH
                                1. When
                                2. Do / Does
                                  1. do
                                    1. does
                                    2. person
                                      1. you
                                        1. she
                                        2. verb
                                          1. study
                                          2. English?
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