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This is my letter to the world
Purple = Structure Pink= Quotes Blue= techniques/ explanantion
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
over 10 years ago
Resource summary
This is my letter to the world
Perception of Belonging
Familial connotation, the unconditional nature
"Sweet- countrymen"
Expectations regarding her relationship with the larger world
"hands I cannot see"
Tactile imagery creates a palpable experience for the reader
Believes that inherently that she should belong, shows that desire to belonging is intrinsic to human nature
"Message is committed"
It is something that is continuous and unchanging
Wants to be taken seriously for her true nature
"Judge tenderly- of Me"
Ideas break down as piece continues, seen though hyphens
Choice to belong to different contexts
Reaching out to connect with the larger world, searching for acceptance
"This is my letter"
High modality "is", cements the intentions of persona
Epistolary; i.e. personal viewpoint allowing verissimilitude
"never wrote to me"
Develops sense of conditional nature of belonging; there are two sides
Able to connect with nature, less barriers to belonging
Emphasised by half rhyme between "world/told"
Juxtaposes the differing relationships between the persona and the community, and with nature
"simple news"
Implies it is a basic process which should be straight forward yet they feel the barrier due to complication
Ability to Enrich or challenge
Use of first person engaging reader's conscious, depicting the ability of the individual
"I"; "me"
They have become restricted by the fear of judgement as a result of not feeling included
pleads them to "judge tenderly"
Adverb accentuates the desperosity of their situation
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