Number System


Mind Map on Number System, created by oliver keeys on 04/12/2017.
oliver keeys
Mind Map by oliver keeys, updated more than 1 year ago
oliver keeys
Created by oliver keeys almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Number System
  1. Adding
    1. Binary to binary
    2. Subtracting
      1. Binary to binary
      2. Convertions
        1. Denary
          1. 1000/100/10/1
            1. A number system that we use in everyday life
              1. Number 10 in binary is
                1. 00001010
              2. Hexadecimal
                1. 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/A/B/C/D/E/F
                  1. 16 characters
                  2. FF is
                    1. 255
                    2. 2C IS
                      1. 44
                    3. Binary
                      1. 1/0
                        1. Nomallly get in 8-bit
                          1. 01001101
                            1. This in denary is 77
                            2. 128/64/32/16/8/4/2/1
                              1. Number system we use for convertion of binary
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