Concept of a Region


Concept of a Region mindmap
Ciaran Howley
Mind Map by Ciaran Howley, updated more than 1 year ago
Ciaran Howley
Created by Ciaran Howley over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Concept of a Region
  1. Region: An area that has a characteristic(s) that make it different from other areas
    1. Physical Regions
      1. Experiences particular climate type which impacts: natural vegetation, animal species
        1. Cool Temporate Oceanic
          1. Ireland
            1. Middle Latitude
              1. Prevailing winds (south-westerly_
                1. Ocean heats quickly in summer and slowly in winter
              2. Geomorphological regions
                1. Unique structure/ relief
                  1. North European Plain
                    1. Burren Karst Region
                      1. Munster Ridge and Valley Region
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