Stages of Mitosis UNIT 2.2 YR10


Mind Map on Stages of Mitosis UNIT 2.2 YR10, created by Nasteexo Abdirahman on 17/02/2018.
Nasteexo Abdirahman
Mind Map by Nasteexo Abdirahman, updated more than 1 year ago
Nasteexo Abdirahman
Created by Nasteexo Abdirahman over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Stages of Mitosis UNIT 2.2 YR10
  1. 1) Interphase
    1. Chromosomes replicate to have 2 chromatids
    2. 2) Prophase
      1. Replicated chromosomes and their chromatids become visible
      2. 3) Metaphase
        1. Replicated chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell
        2. 4) Anaphase
          1. The chromatids separate and move to opposite poles of cell
          2. 5) Telophase
            1. 2 nuclei form, each with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell
            2. 6) Cytokinesis
              1. Cell membranes form making 2 daughter cells, each with a nucleus
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