phones and school work


I.C.T homework - mind-map on how mobile phones can be used to help with school work. 6 branches.
Mind Map by Charlicious , updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Charlicious over 10 years ago

Resource summary

phones and school work
  1. Calculator
    1. Work out mathematical sums on homework
    2. Contacts
      1. Names for inspiration
        1. People for ideas e.g. jobs
        2. Notes
          1. Can keep track of homework
            1. Can make reminders to help with homework
              1. Can make revision notes
              2. Internet
                1. use websites to help with homework
                  1. Can email people for help with work
                    1. Can do further research into subjects
                    2. Phone Dialing
                      1. Can phone people for help with work
                      2. Camera
                        1. Can take photos to help with art
                          1. Can take a photo of timetable so you know what to do and when
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