Bladder cancer


Mind Map on Bladder cancer, created by Nadeen Adi on 08/04/2018.
Nadeen Adi
Mind Map by Nadeen Adi, updated more than 1 year ago
Nadeen Adi
Created by Nadeen Adi about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Bladder cancer
  1. Anatomy of bladder
      1. Histology of bladder
        1. Mechanisms of concentrating urine
          1. Countercurrent multiplication
            1. Urea recycling
            2. Physiology of Micturition
              1. Risk factors of bladder cancer
                    1. Schistostomiasis
                      1. Lifecycle of schistostoma
                        1. Clinical manifestation
                    2. Staging of bladder cancer
                          1. Tumor markers
                            1. management of Bladder Cancer
                              1. Types of bladder cancer
                                1. Urothelial tumor (transitional cell carcinoma)
                                  1. Forms
                                    1. Flat
                                      1. Papillary
                                      2. Gross picture
                                        1. Microscopic picture
                                          1. Most common type
                                          2. Squamous cell carcinoma
                                            1. As a complication of squamous metaplasia due to chronic cystitis, schistostomiasis, or chronic nephrolithiasis
                                            2. Adenocarcinoma
                                              1. Arises from urachal remnants , cystitis glandularis, or exstrophy
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