Two years and no baby


Mind Map on Two years and no baby, created by Batool Aldaher on 21/04/2018.
Batool Aldaher
Mind Map by Batool Aldaher, updated more than 1 year ago
Batool Aldaher
Created by Batool Aldaher about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Two years and no baby
  1. Male Reproductive system
    1. testis
      1. Cryptorchidism
        1. Orchiopexy
      2. Penis
        1. Spermatogenesis
        2. Female Reproductive System
          1. Physiology
          2. Hormones in Reproductive system
            1. INFERTILITY
              1. Risk Factors
                1. Age
                  1. Smoking
                    1. Alcohol
                      1. Obese
                        1. Stress
                          1. STI
                            1. pollutants
                2. Mumps
                  1. Complications:
                    1. Orchitis
                      1. Oophoritis
                        1. meningitis
                          1. Encephalitis
                  2. Investigations
                    1. semen analysis
                      1. Hormonal profile
                        1. Urethral swab
                          1. Pap smear
                            1. Immunobead test
                              1. Endocervical Swab
                  3. IVF
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