energy change


science (physics) Mind Map on energy change, created by cho-jones on 23/06/2013.
Mind Map by cho-jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cho-jones almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

energy change
  1. radiation
    1. infrared radiation
      1. everything emits radiation
        1. hotter surfaces mean more infrared radiation
      2. conduction
        1. particle theory
          1. vibration of particles through a solid
            1. good conductors
              1. steel
                1. iron
                2. bad conductors
                  1. wood
                    1. plastic
                3. convection
                  1. flow of water particles due to heat
                    1. when water particles are heated it gets less dense
                      1. so it rises
                      2. when water cools it becomes more dense
                        1. so it falls
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