Home Entertainment topic 2


Topic 2 bozan map revision for test
Mind Map by laurenmacauley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by laurenmacauley over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Home Entertainment topic 2
  1. PPV (Pay-Per-View)
    1. Chose what to watch
      1. Can see other services such as freeview
        1. Pay subscription
          1. Pay for films and sport events sepparatly
            1. Associated with cable/satellite TV
            2. Interactive TV
              1. Dating
                1. Betting
                  1. gaming
                    1. Shopping
                      1. Voting
                        1. Buy an item using your remote control
                        2. Online Services
                          1. Services available on internet
                            1. Need Internet Connection
                            2. Gaming
                              1. Online gaming
                                1. Online gaming is popuar
                                  1. Some are free
                                    1. Connect with people other the world
                                      1. Link to the TV
                                        1. Game consoles
                                          1. Link to television screen
                                        2. Input Devices
                                          1. Remote control unit
                                            1. Keypad or keyboard
                                              1. Need for data in screen
                                              2. Output Devices
                                                1. TV screen
                                                  1. Speakers
                                                    1. Allow data out of systemm
                                                    2. Interactive services
                                                      1. Online betting
                                                        1. Online dating
                                                          1. Online voting
                                                          2. Digital photography
                                                            1. Pixel
                                                              1. a lot of light forming a digital image
                                                              2. Megapixel
                                                                1. One million pixels
                                                              3. Webcams and music
                                                                1. a webcam is a video camera connected to a computer
                                                                  1. Music can come from headphones which is an output device
                                                                  2. Social network
                                                                    1. A dedicated website or application
                                                                      1. Enables you to talk/message friends
                                                                      2. Online Dating
                                                                        1. huge amount of dating sites
                                                                          1. convenient to people with busy lives
                                                                          2. Online Betting
                                                                            1. gambling for money
                                                                            2. Online votting
                                                                              1. if the younger generation could vote on the internet more people would get involved
                                                                              2. Online shopping
                                                                                1. buying products online
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