The Origins of Software


Mind Map on The Origins of Software, created by Sarah AlNofal on 24/10/2014.
Sarah AlNofal
Mind Map by Sarah AlNofal, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah AlNofal
Created by Sarah AlNofal over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Origins of Software
  1. Outsourcing: Turning over responsibility of some or all of an organization's information systems applications and operations to an outside firm
    1. Reasons to outsource
      1. 1- Cost-effective 2- Take advantage of economies of scale 3- Free up internal resources 4- Reduce time to market 5- Increase process efficiencies 6- System development is a non-core activity for the organization
    2. Sources of Software
      1. 1- Information technology services firm
        1. 2- Packaged software producers
          1. 3- Enterprise-wide solutions
            1. 4- Application service providers (ASPs)
              1. 5- Open source software
                1. 6- In-house developers
                2. How to Selecting Off-the-Shelf Software?
                  1. The select depend on 8 criterias :
                    1. 1- cost
                      1. 2- Functionality
                        1. 3-Vendor support
                          1. 4- Viability of vendor
                            1. 5- Flexibility
                              1. 6- Documentation
                                1. 7-Response time
                                  1. 8-Ease of installation
                                2. Validating Purchased Software Information
                                  1. Use a variety of information sources: 1- Collect information from vendor 2-Software documentation 3-Technical marketing literature
                                  2. Request For Proposal (RFP)
                                    1. is a document provided to vendors to ask them to propose hardware and system software that will meet the requirements of a new system.Sometimes called a Request For Quote (RFQ)
                                      1. Information Sources For RFP
                                        1. 1-Vendor’s proposal 2- Running software through a series of tests 3- Feedback from other users of the vendor’s product 4-Independent software testing services 5- Articles in trade publications
                                      2. Reuse
                                        1. The use of previously written software resources, especially objects and components, in new applications
                                          1. it is applied to two different development technologies: 1-Object-oriented development 2- Component-based development
                                            1. Approaches to Reuse
                                              1. 1- A-d hoc
                                                1. 2- Facilitated
                                                  1. 3- Managed
                                                    1. 4- Designed
                                                  2. By : Sarah AlNofal
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