Indian Constitution Historical Background


Competitive Exam INDIAN POLITY Mind Map on Indian Constitution Historical Background, created by santosh rachuri on 25/10/2014.
santosh rachuri
Mind Map by santosh rachuri, updated more than 1 year ago
santosh rachuri
Created by santosh rachuri over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Indian Constitution Historical Background
  1. Company Act, 1773


    • 1. 
    1. Governor of Bengal --> Governor General of Bengal ( First was Warren Hastings.
    2. Pitt's India Act 1784
      1. Distinguished Political and commercial functions of the compnay.
        1. Recognised company's territories in India as British Possessions.
        2. Charter Act, 1833
          1. Governor General of Bengal --> Governor General of India
            1. Ended the activities of East India Compnay as a commercial body, and it became administrative body
            2. Charter Act, 1853
              1. separated executive and legislative functions of the Gov Gen council.
              2. Govt of India Act, 1858
                1. Act of good governance for India
                  1. Governor General of India -- > Viceroy of India
                  2. Indian Councils Act 1861
                    1. Indian Councils Act 1892
                      1. Indian Councils Act 1909 / Morley - Minto Reforms
                        1. Govt of India Act, 1919 / Montague chelmsford Reforms
                          1. Govt of India Act, 1935
                            1. Indian Independence Act, 1947
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