Chpt. 1.3 DIKW Pyramid DIKW Hierarchy


DIKW model is a hierarchical levels of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and intelligence
G. Wagenmaker
Mind Map by G. Wagenmaker, updated more than 1 year ago
G. Wagenmaker
Created by G. Wagenmaker over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Chpt. 1.3 DIKW Pyramid DIKW Hierarchy
  1. DATA
    1. facts, symbols , signals
    2. Information
      1. data is processed, information is generated


        • information has a factor of usability and meaning associted with it, whereasc standalone data is not useful.
      2. Knowledge
        1. sufficient amount of information is processed and synthesized to create knowledge
        2. Wisdom
          1. the acquired pieces of knowledge are evaluated in terms of time, experience, and ethics to generate wisdom
          2. Intelligence
            1. at the end similar practice, intelligence is generated
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