Social contexts of second language acquisiton


Mind Map on Social contexts of second language acquisiton, created by Gustavo Puentes on 04/10/2018.
Gustavo Puentes
Mind Map by Gustavo Puentes, updated more than 1 year ago
Gustavo Puentes
Created by Gustavo Puentes over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Social contexts of second language acquisiton
  1. Communicative competence
    1. “what a speaker needs to know to communicate appropriately within a particular language community” (Saville-Troike 2003).
      1. Microsocial Factors
        1. Has been based on the framework of the accomodation theory.
          1. Speakers change their pronunciation and even the grammatical complexity of sentences they use to sound more like whomever they are talking to.
          2. Variable features
            1. Are multiple linguistic forms which are used by different speakers of a language, or by the same speakers at different times, with the same meaning and function; which occur at every linguistic level.
              1. The type of variable feature that can occur depends on the communicative context
                1. Linguistic context
                  1. Language form and function Ex:Coming/comin’
                  2. Psychological context
                    1. The attention given during the production
                    2. Microsocial context
                      1. Interaction related to communicative events when the language is being produced
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