Geological History


science Elijah Gallegos Mind Map on Geological History, created by Elijah Gallegos on 05/10/2018.
Elijah Gallegos
Mind Map by Elijah Gallegos, updated more than 1 year ago
Elijah Gallegos
Created by Elijah Gallegos almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Geological History
  1. Bondbardment
    1. An event ( bondbardment ) that occured about 3.8 to 4.1 billion years ago
    2. geological time scale
      1. The geologic time scale is a system of chronological dating that relates geological strata to time.
      2. stratigraphy
        1. Stratigraphy is a branch of geology concerned with the study of rock layers and layering.
          1. fossil record
            1. Fossil Record is a biannual peer-reviewed scientific journal covering palaeontology.
          2. Relative dating
            1. Relative dating is the science of determining the relative order of past events, without necessarily determining their absolute age.
                1. Absolute dating
                  1. Absolute dating is the process of determining an age on a specified chronology in archaeology and geology.
              1. layers of the earth
                1. The internal structure of the Earth is layered in spherical shells: an outer silicate solid crust, a highly viscous asthenosphere and mantle, a liquid outer core that is much less viscous than the mantle, and a solid inner core.
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