Julius Caesar Concept Mind Map


10th grade English Mind Map on Julius Caesar Concept Mind Map, created by McKinley Ellison on 05/10/2018.
McKinley Ellison
Mind Map by McKinley Ellison, updated more than 1 year ago
McKinley Ellison
Created by McKinley Ellison almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Julius Caesar Concept Mind Map
  1. Power
    1. Julius Caesar was offered the crown, yet refused.
      1. He got so overwhelmed by the possibility of power and had a seizure
      2. Brutus, Cassius, and others didn't like the idea of Caesar having that much power
        1. This lead to the assassination of Caeser
        2. Julius Caesar defeated Pompey, who was then king of Rome, in battle.
          1. In return, Romans were happy and wanted to crown Caesar.
          2. When power is given to the wrong person, things can get ugly.
            1. This was Cassius and Brutus' exact idea.
              1. Caesar would've "ruined" Rome. He would've made the citizens into slaves.
              2. Mark Antony, a friend of Caesar, used his "power" to grant fertility to the women of Rome
                1. Brutus used his power of credibility to justify assassinating Caesar.
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