Earth History


Mind Map on Earth History, created by Lilly Capolungo on 05/10/2018.
Lilly Capolungo
Mind Map by Lilly Capolungo, updated more than 1 year ago
Lilly Capolungo
Created by Lilly Capolungo almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Earth History
  1. Bombardment
      1. Along time ago comets hit earth over and over to shape earth the way it is today.
    1. Geological Time Scale
      1. Layers of Earth
          1. crust, mantle inner core and the core
        1. Relative Dating
            1. Not an exact date of time.
            1. A scale of time for earth
          1. Stratigraphy
              1. Discovering rocks that come from deep n the earth
            1. Fossil records
                1. collection of fossils representing the life before us.
                2. Absolute dating
                    1. exact date of time
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