Representation Of Women


Mind Map on Representation Of Women, created by anniesadowski97 on 31/10/2014.
Mind Map by anniesadowski97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anniesadowski97 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Representation Of Women
  1. There are two main representations of women found in music videos, they are either depicted as the innocent 'girl next door' stereotype or a promiscuous, raunchy women who uses her sexuality as an indicator of power. Most common genre that depicts women as sexual objects is hip hop and rap.
    1. Rap & Hip Hop
      1. Notorious for their misogynist presentation of women in their lyrics and music videos.
        1. Women are sexual objects
          1. semi- naked women dancing provoctively around a rapper is cliched convention
          2. Casually promote the use of the word 'pimp' and associate it with fame and coolness
            1. EXAMPLE- 50 Cent ' P.I.M.P track
          3. Not just male artists that use sexualised images of women. Females also identify themselves with the stereotype by scantily dressing.
            1. EXAMPLE- Livvl Franc's ' Now I'm that bitch'
            2. Suggested the media influences the behaviour of people who subconsciously take on the stereotypical gender roles, such as the strong alpha males and the sexually active 'slutty' females.
              1. Another suggestion is the need to be able to identify personally with the characters
                1. McQuall argues that an audience needs to be bale to identify with a character in order for the text to be successful
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