Reading Skills


post grad Education Mind Map on Reading Skills, created by avril9249 on 11/02/2014.
Mind Map by avril9249, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by avril9249 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Reading Skills
  1. Defining a competent reader
    1. understand what they read
      1. remember information
        1. read efficiently
          1. have confidence to read
            1. do independent reading
              1. read for relaxation and fun
    2. to study (learn) the reader must be able to read
      1. to make judgements about what was read
        1. look for information on your own
          1. develop better language skills
            1. essential for all studying subjects including maths and accountancy
      2. 4 reading techniques
        1. SPEED READING: fast without stopping, general overview, find background information
          1. SKIMMING: faster than speed-reading, used to get main idea of the text,
            1. SCANNING: fastest kind of reading, only pay attention to find a specific item, name, date,
              1. STUDY-READING: or intensive reading, comprehensive & critical, read carefully, thoroughly, thoughtfully, interact with text by ....
                1. key words
                  1. main ideas
                    1. text mapping
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