

Mind Map on locomotion, created by Neil Binu on 11/07/2014.
Neil Binu
Mind Map by Neil Binu, updated more than 1 year ago
Neil Binu
Created by Neil Binu over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. plants
    1. tropic
      1. response to external stimulus
        1. phototropism
          1. response to light
          2. geotropism
            1. movement to gravity
            2. hydrotropism
              1. movement to water
              2. thigmotropism
                1. movement to touch
              3. directional
              4. nastic
                1. nondirectional
                  1. response to all stimulus
              5. humans
                1. connective tissues
                  1. bones
                    1. made of calcium and phosphorous
                    2. ligaments
                      1. elastic band of fibres connecting 2 bones
                      2. tendons
                        1. fibre like non elastic
                        2. cartilages
                          1. soft connective tissue protecting bones like cushion
                          2. joints
                            1. immovable
                              1. fused
                                1. brain box , eye, bone, maxilla, teeth
                              2. partially movable
                                1. vertebral column
                                2. movable
                                3. muscles
                                  1. connected to bones by tendons
                                    1. contraction and relaxartion
                                      1. antagonistic
                                        1. biceps and triceps
                                  2. Animals
                                    1. Amoeba
                                      1. Amoeboid movement
                                        1. Unicellular
                                          1. Pseudopodia
                                        2. Paramecium
                                          1. Unicellular
                                            1. Cilia
                                              1. Ciliary locomotion
                                              2. Spiral path
                                              3. Euglena
                                                1. flagellum
                                                  1. Spiral path
                                                  2. Earthworm
                                                    1. Contraction,Relaxation
                                                      1. Circular
                                                        1. Thinner ,narrow
                                                        2. Longitudinal
                                                          1. Thicker,shorter
                                                        3. Insects
                                                          1. 2 pair wings
                                                            1. Moths,wasps,butterfly
                                                            2. 1 pair wings
                                                              1. mosquitoes,houseflies
                                                              2. Muscular hind legs-jumping
                                                                1. Fleas,grasshopper
                                                              3. sponges
                                                                1. attached to objects
                                                                  1. No locomotion
                                                                  2. Amphibians
                                                                    1. Both land and water
                                                                      1. Frogs,toads
                                                                      2. Fishes
                                                                        1. Tail fin- Largest fin
                                                                          1. Sideway movement
                                                                            1. Pectoral fins-stopping
                                                                            2. Reptiles
                                                                              1. crocodile, tortoise have limbs
                                                                                1. webbed toes
                                                                                2. Birds
                                                                                  1. fly-feathers
                                                                                    1. Flightless birds
                                                                                      1. Emu,Ostrich,Penguin
                                                                                    2. Mammals
                                                                                      1. Horses,zebra, bats
                                                                                        1. Webbed winglike forelimps
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