Multi Store Model of Memory


Overview of the multi store model of memory
Rebekah Evans
Mind Map by Rebekah Evans, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebekah Evans
Created by Rebekah Evans almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Multi Store Model of Memory
  1. Sensory register
    1. Encoding
      1. -occurs through the senses
      2. Duration
        1. -Fraction of a second
        2. Capacity
          1. -Difficult to measure
            1. - almost unlimited
        3. STM
          1. Duration
            1. 10-30 seconds
            2. Capacity
              1. 7+/_ 2
              2. Encoding
                1. Auditory
                  1. -into the LTM
              3. LTM
                1. Encoding
                  1. -semantically
                  2. Capacity
                    1. -unlimited
                    2. Duration
                      1. -unlimited
                    3. Baddeley
                      1. -Classical study
                      2. HM
                        1. -Named study
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