Computer Security Potential Flaws


Potential flaws found within the case study
Rob Speirs
Mind Map by Rob Speirs, updated more than 1 year ago
Rob Speirs
Created by Rob Speirs over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Computer Security Potential Flaws
  1. Unlocked Server Room
    1. File server and credit card information, database tapes stored here
      1. Backed up on site within the same room as the database
        1. Easy Access
      2. No logon Authentication
        1. All the database are available for staff and patients
        2. Can be accessed via a virtual private network outside of the network
          1. Web server and file server are on the same server
            1. Location
              1. Walney channel and basement - high risk of flooding
              2. Open WiFi
                1. Can connect to the database via this network
                  1. Network/internet access is open to everyone
                    1. Series of virus attacks
                      1. No Firewall
                        1. No Anti-Malware
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