Week 10


Idiomas Educação Mind Map on Week 10, created by Giuliana Akkawi on 16/01/2019.
Giuliana  Akkawi
Mind Map by Giuliana Akkawi, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Raquel Laranjeira
Created by Raquel Laranjeira over 5 years ago
Alisson Albuquerque
Copied by Alisson Albuquerque over 5 years ago
Giuliana  Akkawi
Copied by Giuliana Akkawi over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Week 10
  1. Monday
    1. 40 minutes - Learning centers: CENTER 1:(TA) The students are going to use the alphabet cards to review each letter using both upper and lower case letters. Then, they will practice writing one letter at a time in the gel cream. - CENTER 2 (Teacher): They are going to begin making a class big book about places and people in the neighbourhood and what they do. They are going to draw their neighbourhood and label each place. CENTER 3: (Un-Assisted): Making Patterns: They are going to explore patterns with templates, using all kinds of manipulatives
      1. 30 minutes - Snack time + Brushing teeth
        1. 1 hour - Portuguese
          1. 30 minutes Playground
            1. 1 minute Bye - Bye
              1. 15 minutes - Home Toy
                1. 30 minutes - Music
                  1. 20 minutes - Circle to talk about the book they read at home
                    1. 20 minutes - Song "I like to go to school" , discuss the day of the week and of the month, helper, show the routine - message: _ood _fternoon IK D! _his week _he _heme is Our _eighbourhood. We will begin with _he _eople who work in _he _chool. Who do you know _hat works in _he _chool? - Introduce: the letter ‘Pp’.
                    2. Tuesday
                      1. 15 minutes - Welcome center: Playdough
                        1. 30 minutes - Song, discuss the day of the week and of the month, helper, show the routine - Message: _ello IKD! _oday is _uesda_! Mystery Object: broom toy or a mop Discuss: “Who uses a broom at school?” “Yes, ________________ uses the broom. What else does ___________do around the school building?” “Why does the school need to be kept clean?” “What can you do to help keep the building clean?” - Review: The letter “Pp” by drawing it in the air
                          1. 40 minutes - Centers Rotation
                            1. 30 minutes Snack time + Brushing teeth
                              1. 20 minutes - Booklet: People in the Neighbourhood - They are going to draw the school and write the sentence. Frame: The secretary at _________ uses the telephone.”
                                1. 30 minutes Playground
                                  1. 1 minute - Bye - Bye
                                    1. 1 hour - Portuguese
                                      1. 30 minutes - Math: Number of the Day: 13 - Count: backwards from 15 - Discuss: “What patterns did we find in the school yesterday?” “Where did you see a pattern today?”
                                        1. Wednesday
                                          1. 15 minutes - Welcome - Pretending centre
                                            1. 30 minutes - Song, discuss the day of the week and of the month, helper, show the routine - message: " Goo_ _fternoon boy and girls, toda_ is Wednesday. " - Read: I Like To Go To School (Ask: “Where do I start to read?” “Which way do we read right to left or right to left?” - “Can you find the word ‘like’?” “How many times do you see the word ‘like’ in the song?”
                                              1. 40 minutes - Centers Rotation
                                                1. 30 minutes - Snack and Brushing teeth
                                                  1. 30 minutes -Story Time - Book: Helper in my Community (Crabtree) - I am going to use the drawings of the cities they draw in the centers.
                                                    1. 30 minutes - Number of the Day: 17 - Count backwards from 12. - (BLM Patterns) They are going to look at pictures of some patterns on buildings, on floors, and on vehicles.
                                                      1. 1 minute - Bye bye
                                                        1. 30 minutes - Playground
                                                          1. 1 hour - Portuguese
                                                            1. Thursday
                                                              1. 15 minutes - Memory game
                                                                1. 30 minutes - Song "Days of the Week", discuss the day of the week and of the month, helper, show the routine - message: Good afternoon IK D! Who is _he _erson _hat keeps the _chool clean?Mystery Object: pen - Discuss: “The teachers and the assistants in the school use pens and pencils throughout the day. They help children learn to read, to count, to play well with others, and to learn about the world around them. What else do the teachers and assistants do at the school?”
                                                                  1. 30 minutes - Math - Number of the Day: 7 - Flip Strips: 1 to 5. Show 2. I will ask the children what number is before 2, what number is after 2. Do this with a variety of numbers.
                                                                    1. 30min. Snack and brushing teeth
                                                                      1. 40 minutes - English Language Arts - Discus: Say: “Today you are working in your booklet about people in the neighbourhood. The teachers and assistants at school help you learn and keep you safe.” They will write the sentence: The teacher and the assistant teach me many things. Then, they are going to draw and colour a picture of the teacher and assistant in our room.
                                                                        1. 30min. Playground
                                                                          1. Bye-bye
                                                                            1. 1 hour - Portuguese
                                                                              1. 20 minutes - Free choice: Pretending, Construction or Office play
                                                                              2. Friday
                                                                                1. 15 minutes Welcome - Puzzles
                                                                                  1. 40 minutes. English Language Arts - They are going to work in their booklet about people in the neighbourhood. They will write this sentence on page 3 in their booklet – The coordinator helps teachers and parents. - Then, they will draw and colour a picture of the coordinator in our school.
                                                                                    1. 30min. Snack time and brushing teeth
                                                                                      1. 20 minutes - Number of the Day: 14 - I will use the Flip Strip 1 to 5. Then I will ask the students the number before and after a variety of numbers. Discuss: “What number do you see?” “What number comes after 2?” What number comes before 2?”
                                                                                        1. 30 minutes Playground
                                                                                          1. Bye Bye Song
                                                                                            1. 20 minutes - Song, discuss the day of the week and of the month, helper, show the routine - Message: _his week you _ave been learning _bout _he _eople at _chool. _ave a great day! _ove Miss Giuliana. Mystery Object: paper -Discuss: “The coordinator at the school uses a notebook or pen and paper to take notes when they visit the classroom. The coordinator helps you but she also helps teachers.Who is the coordinator at our school?”
                                                                                              1. 1 hour - Portuguese
                                                                                                1. 30 minutes P.E.
                                                                                                  1. 20 minutes - Home Reading
                                                                                                  2. April 1th to 5th - UNIT 3 - OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Intermediate D - WEEK 10

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