types of mass movement


Laura O' Sullivan
Mind Map by Laura O' Sullivan, updated more than 1 year ago
Laura O' Sullivan
Created by Laura O' Sullivan about 5 years ago

Resource summary

types of mass movement
  1. soil creep
    1. slow movement of soil down a slope due to gravity
      1. slowest type of mass movement - 1-2 cm per year
        1. Evidence of soil creep
          1. Trees grow at an angle.
            1. Terracettes form, these are small steps of accumulated soil.
              1. Fences bend.
                1. Walls crack
    2. bog burst
      1. mud flow
        1. fast moving river of rock, soil and water down a slope.
          1. Fast moving. the amount or water and the angle of the slope determine the speed up to 100kmp/h.
            1. Usually happens after periods o heavy rainfall
        2. land slide
          1. avalanche
            1. An avalanche is a rapid movement of snow and ice down a slope.
              1. Small controlled explosions are used in the alps to cause small avalanches, and thereby prevent large avalanches.
            2. lahar
              1. River of mud when ash from a volcano mixes with melting snow.
                1. Example Nevada del Ruiz
                  1. 23,000 killed
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