Capitalism, Marxism and Anarchy


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Pau del Sol Rubies
Mind Map by Pau del Sol Rubies, updated more than 1 year ago
Pau del Sol Rubies
Created by Pau del Sol Rubies over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Capitalism, Marxism and Anarchy
    1. Types of capitalism
      1. Mercantilismo
        1. Free market
          1. Social market economy
            1. Corporate capitalism
              1. Economía mixtaEditar
              2. Definition
                1. Capitalism is a system of economic organization.
              3. Marxism
                1. Historical materialism
                  1. The historical evolution is a sucession of modes of production
                  2. Class Struggle
                    1. The struggle between capitalists and proletarians was constant, because the working class never saw the way that these also reached positions of power.
                    2. Theory of Surplus value
                      1. The worker, who at the end generates this wealth is going to receive a lower salary to what it produces, is what is known as surplus value.
                      2. Definition
                        1. Marxism is a political and philosophical doctrine
                        2. Dictatorship of the proletariat
                          1. It is the etape of translations in which Proietariado concentrates power while establishing a communist society
                        3. Anarchy
                          1. Definition
                            1. Anarchism is a philosophical and social movement.
                            2. Concept
                              1. It focuses its interests on the individual and society, with the purpose of fostering a social change that leads to a society without masters or sovereigns.
                              2. Anarchism fought for freedom, equality and solidarity
                                1. caracteristics
                                  1. Anarchism had a strong influence on art, especially during the twentieth century, illustrators and writers to work on anarchism
                                    1. Los anarquistas se hicieron famosos por sus convocatorias masivas a la huelga, la manifestación y por su impresión de panfletos y revistas llamando a la insurrección
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