mindmap 1.2 memory


revision for section 1.2--MEMORY
FaZe Homer'd
Mind Map by FaZe Homer'd, updated more than 1 year ago
FaZe Homer'd
Created by FaZe Homer'd about 5 years ago

Resource summary

mindmap 1.2 memory
  1. RAM-Random Access Memory
    1. ROM-Read Only Memory
    2. Disk thrashing- when a computers virtual memory subsystem is in a constant state of paging
      1. Paging- moving from virtual memory and ram to processor
        1. Back up- to take a copy of no data and software
          1. Volatile- gets emptied when the power is turned off
            1. Firmware- permanent software programmed into ROM
              1. Non volatile- doesn’t loose data when turned off
                1. SRAM- a type of memory chip which is faster and requires less power than dynamic memory
                  1. DRAM - a memory chip that depends upon an applied voltage to keep the stored data
                    1. Instructions - detailed information about how something should be done or operated
                      1. Data is prewritten and comes with the computer would be to do with ROM
                        1. The computer need to be on to retain data is to do with RAM
                          1. Things stored in RAM are programs currently in use and data currently in use
                            1. Things stored in RAM are programs currently in use and data currently in use
                              1. Virtual memory- simulated memory on the hard drive
                                1. Virtual memory is needed for if the ROM is full so then it lets more memry be saved
                                2. VMM (virtual memory manager) creates a file on the hard driveswapping or pagging.moves data between RAM and virtual memory
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