Influences on Marketing Objectives


Internal and External factors likely to affect the marketing objectives
Johnson Buz
Mind Map by Johnson Buz, updated more than 1 year ago
Johnson Buz
Created by Johnson Buz over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Influences on Marketing Objectives
  1. Corporate Objectives
    1. Marketing objectives must not be in conflict with corporate objectives
    2. Finance
      1. Availability of finance will directly affect the scope and scale of marketing activies
      2. Human Resources
        1. Staff motivation impacts on customer service and also the skill levels of staff can enhance/limit what the dept can achieve
        2. Operations
          1. Capacity, productivity and quality all impact on marketing
          2. Economy
            1. Affects demand
            2. Competitors
              1. Competitor responses can impact on success of meeting objectives
              2. Technological Change
                1. This could shorten product lifecycles or create opportunities for innovation
                2. Social Political Change
                  1. Legislation and change in attitudes in society will have an impact on markets
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