Walden Chapter 7: The Bean-Field


Mind Map on Walden Chapter 7: The Bean-Field, created by Aziz Hanna on 09/04/2019.
Aziz Hanna
Mind Map by Aziz Hanna, updated more than 1 year ago
Aziz Hanna
Created by Aziz Hanna about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Walden Chapter 7: The Bean-Field
  1. Thoreau's daily work is farming in his bean-field.
    1. Does his work very early in the morning.
      1. Connects him to nature.
        1. The birds that fly over head as he works often entertain him.
        2. Thoreau harvests twelve bushels of beans from his bean-field and makes charts of all the money he spent in growing the beans and all the money he earned from selling them.
          1. He also gives advice about farming and planting different crops.
        3. Farming is very sacred to Thoreau.
          1. However, people have become greedy in wanting bigger farms that it has degraded farming and nature.
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