B1.1. Unit 3 Books and literature or Films and the Media?


This is the map for Unit 3 course B1.1.
Claudia  Uribe
Mind Map by Claudia Uribe , updated more than 1 year ago
Claudia  Uribe
Created by Claudia Uribe over 5 years ago

Resource summary

B1.1. Unit 3 Books and literature or Films and the Media?
  1. Topic
    1. Giving opinions about books, literature and media.
    2. VIDEOS
      1. 1. Tutor/Teacher Introduction
        1. 2. Topic Introduction
        2. Unit Description
          1. About the Unit
            1. What to do!
              1. Objectives
              2. Communicative Competence Development
                1. Reading
                  1. Let´s study!
                    1. Let´s practice
                      1. Grammar Corner
                      2. Listening
                        1. Lets´study
                          1. Let´s practice
                            1. Grammar Corner
                            2. Writing
                              1. Let´s study
                                1. Let´s practice
                                  1. Task: Outline
                                2. Speaking
                                  1. Let´s study
                                    1. Let´s practice
                                  2. Assessment and Evaluation
                                    1. Forum : Paperback or Digital
                                      1. Communicative Task
                                        1. Written Production: I love reading and watching movies
                                          1. Vlog: My favorite books and movies.
                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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