RS Religion and life: non religious reasons for believing in life after death


4 types of paranormal occurences
Mind Map by krissyaliceryan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by krissyaliceryan over 9 years ago

Resource summary

RS Religion and life: non religious reasons for believing in life after death


  1. 4 main types of paranormal occurrences to make you believe in life after death
    1. Paranormal:
      1. Unexplained things that are thought to have spiritual causes
    2. What are the 4 types
      1. Near death experiences
        1. Mediums
          1. Ghosts
            1. must be life after death, if they are mobile and can communicate
            2. Reincarnation
            3. Near death experiences (NDEs)
              1. happen when people are clinically dead
                1. not particularly religious, normal people have died and then said there is life after death
                  1. If you DIE and witness things or hear things, there must be some kind of life after death
                    1. Only the word of the person, very little evidence to support claims, no one knows
                    2. Mediums
                      1. contact dead people
                        1. tell people only things relatives would know
                          1. if the dead can be contacted, there must be life after death if they can communicate
                            1. They are fakes who take advantage of grieving people who are desperate to talk to their lost loved ones
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