Excretion: Liver.


A2 Biology Excretion, OCR F214
Mind Map by TomBrittain, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by TomBrittain over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Excretion: Liver.
  1. Functions of the Liver
    1. Synthesis
      1. Triglycerides Plama Proteins Chlosererol
      2. Breakdown
        1. Worn out RBC
        2. Detoxification
          1. Many Compounds: Alcohol/Drugs/Hydrogn Peroxide
          2. Carbohydrate Metabolism
            1. Regulates Blood-Glucose levels
            2. Lipid Metabolism
              1. - Lipids used in respiration - Sysnthesis/regulation cholesterol
              2. Protein Metabolism
                1. Regulates AA levels via transamination/deamination of excess AAx
                2. Storage
                  1. Vitamin A/D, Iron
                3. Adaptations of the Liver
                  1. Many Mitochondria
                    1. Production of ATP (aerobic respiration) Ornithine Cycle/Protein Synthesis
                    2. RER
                      1. Synthesises plasma proteins
                      2. Lipid Droplets
                        1. Storage lipids --> ENEGY! (Respiration)
                        2. Glycogen Granules
                          1. Stores glucose / Can release glucose into blood incleasing Blood-Glucose conc.
                          2. Microvilli
                            1. Increase S.A between hepatocytes + blood (E.g: hepatic portal vein)
                          3. Detoxification of Ethanol
                            1. Ethanol Oxidised to Ethanal
                              1. Ethanal Oxidised to Ethanoate
                                1. Ethanoate Enters Krebs Cycle
                                  1. Co-Enzyme: Acetyl CoA
                                    1. Ethanoate binds with Acetyl CoA
                                    2. Enzyme: Ethanal Dehydrogenase
                                      1. Co-Enzyme: NAD (Forming Reduced NAD)
                                      2. Enzyme: Ethanol Dehydrogenase
                                        1. Co-Enzyme: NAD (Forming Reduced NAD)
                                        2. N.B: NAD --> Reduced NAD = Accepting 2 H atoms.
                                        3. Formation of Urea
                                          1. The Amino Acid is deaminated (amine group is removed)
                                            1. Keto Acid enters aerobic prespiration producing ATP OR converted to carbohydrate/lipid
                                              1. Ammonia combined with Carbon Dioxide forming Urea (Ornithine Cycle.)
                                                1. Urea transported to kidneys and excreted in urine.
                                                  1. LESS TOXIC AND LESS SOLUBLE
                                                  2. TOXIC AND SOLUBLE!
                                              1. D - Bile Duct
                                                1. A - Branch of the Hepatic Artery
                                                  1. B - Branch of the Hepatic Portal Vein
                                                    1. C - Hepatic Vein
                                                      1. B - Hepatic Vein
                                                        1. C - Hepatic Artery
                                                          1. D - Common Hepatic Duct
                                                            1. E - Hepatic Portal Vein
                                                              1. F - Stomach
                                                                1. G - Cystic Duct
                                                                  1. A - Right Lobe of Liver
                                                                    1. H - Gall Bladder
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